As in Reception, there are two classes in each of the two year groups at Nightingale House with no more than 16 girls in each. The Year 1 girls are welcomed to their new home by their Year 2 ‘big sisters’ and very quickly become settled within the nurturing school community.

The girls in this phase quickly become independent in their learning whilst at the same time are encouraged and given opportunities to have a real impact on their school community and beyond. They earn team points which are converted into money for the school charities and hold their own charity events, which are run almost entirely independently.

The girls are represented by a very active democratically elected School Council which meets weekly with a senior member of staff to report on the needs of the community. Additionally our diligent Year 2 team leaders provide weekly motivational speeches to their team-mates.

Girls at this stage are guided and encouraged to have regard not only for their own development and achievements but also to celebrate those of others.

Pupil voice is very much in evidence as the girls are given time and space to explore their rights and responsibilities within a safe and nurturing environment.

They also gain awareness of the wider community and global issues through the school’s citizenship and diversity programme which includes visits out of school as well as visitors to the school.

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