‘Grit is perseverance and passion for learning’

Angela Duckworth

Whether trying to learn the violin, the intricacies of the combustion engine, or how to write a brilliant horror story, we believe that you need a motivating goal, willingness to respond to a coach’s feedback and determination to work through focused drills until ‘getting it right’ is automatic.

The message that grit is the key to success is everywhere:

  • We celebrate pupils, in every assembly, who have resisted the temptation to give up
  • Our focus in every lesson is on thinking hard about every subject
  • Girls update their private learning blog weekly, reflecting on their success; where they have had to work hard; and where they intend to work harder or smarter during the next week. This is then shared with parents during our Parents’ Evening Grit Presentations.

In every lesson and one-to-one coaching session, we reinforce the need to work hard and to appreciate that failure is part of the learning process.